Uganda Peoples Congress

UPC External Bureau Japan

Uganda Independence Day

UPC promises bright future for Ugandan people

09 October 2008

On this auspicious occasion marking Uganda's 46th Independence Day, we wish to avail ourselves to this opportunity, on behalf of the party president of Uganda Peoples Congress, Maama Miria Kalule Obote, UPC National Council, Party members and the people of Uganda, to convey our deepest respects to Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, the Imperial family, the prime minister and the friendly people of Japan.

We also would like to extend our warmest greetings to all Ugandans, friends of Uganda, and all UPC representatives worldwide. In addition, we would like to express our special thanks to all the non governmental organizations operating in Uganda for the tremendous services they offer.

For UPC, the party that led Uganda to independence, Uganda's Independence Day is a special event. Visit the following website to learn "A Short Treatise on the Uganda Peoples Congress": Uganda's 46th national day marks another 46 years of party history as well as the achievement of forming the UPC External Bureau Japan. This is a great opportunity for us to salute all who welcomed the challenge of democracy and freedom and struggled to make great achievements for Uganda.

Uganda, the "Pearl of Africa", is a blessed with a variety of natural resources, flora and fauna. Unfortunately, it has lacked proper marketing in Japan, thus many Japanese do not know much about the country. Uganda presents a wonderful investment location and tourism destination given favorable security and stability climate. Japan has always had a balanced foreign policy with regard to Africa; unfortunately, most of these efforts have been frustrated by bureaucracies and corruption as has been the case in Uganda.

UPC ideology is not just opposition for the sake of power, but an attempt to build a sincere opposition to address the urgent need to build democracy and put forward reforms for the benefit of a striving nation troubled by corruption, a poor taxation system, widening income gaps, regional imbalance in power and infrastructure, low literacy rates, and poor economic, health and social facilities. There is a need to restore co-operative societies that previously improved the welfare of the population, to create stronger private consumption and steadier domestic investment giving opportunities to the district levels for economic improvement.

The party plans to improve human rights via political coalitions, remove death safe-houses, curb torture and intimidation and return the instruments of law and order to police and the judiciary, rather than allow the military and secret security services to wield such power.

Through its bureau in Japan, the party aims to improve the image of Uganda, a nation with hospitable people, beautiful culture, investment opportunities and many tourism attractions.

For the past 20 years, Uganda has been dealing with civil war in the northern and eastern parts of the country. The nation has not had any positive political, educational, health, economical or social reforms in 20 years with the government accelerating misunderstandings and clashes with neighboring countries, as well as mismanaging international aid funds. Due to a lack of proper district and local government policies and funding, child security, education and basic health services for the minority, Uganda is dependent on the goodwill of NGOs.

As the government creates new districts without proper surveys, there is no policy in place to spread development to rural areas. In the past, the local governments had five-year development action plans, giving school scholarships to talented children and providing health support for the needy to attend referral hospitals. All these social services and many others have ceased to exist in the past 22years. For a nation that depends entirely on external funding, it is very sad that Global Fund embezzlers cannot be brought to justice even as millions of Ugandans continue to die of AIDS and malaria. Uganda as a sovereign nation should have respect for the sovereignty of its neighbors and other African nations through democratic political and economic dialogs. Ugandans need freedom, democracy and human rights without inequality among ethnic groups or regions.

For UPC, Independence Day celebrations give us an opportunity to reflect on the history of our struggle for independence, as well as a chance to evaluate our achievements, failures, weaknesses and strengths as a party and a nation so as to pave way for reforms to make the future brighter.

Uganda still needs a lot of improvements. To achieve these improvements, the country needs patriotic leaders other than families that merely loot national property, and distribute wealth to military officials. There is a need for free, fair and peaceful elections. We call upon Japan and the world to actively monitor the 2011 Uganda elections.

Looking ahead, UPC is determined to participate compassionately and competitively in the 2011 Uganda elections with the principal obligation of bringing peace and stability to the nation. UPC promises to introduce reforms and processes to curb corruption, unemployment, and poverty. Other than the NRM theoretical deal, UPC aims to bring practical democracy to Uganda.

CONGRATULATIONS to all Ugandans on this occasion of the nation's 46th Independence Day!